Writing scary it's bad. Wait...



Ok, so I told myself that I wasn't going to write on here after drinking to avoid embarrassing myself, but the beers at lunch don't count, right? This is too funny to wait on anyway, and considering the beer, I probably wouldn't remember to write about it later. So here it is. Really, now that I think about it I should have titled this entry "shocker" ‘cause its got a little more edge but I didn't want to give anything away. Oops, just did. Oh well.

Allow me set the scene. Midday, in the office and our female, 55 year old marketing person is going cube to cube handing out a memo. Maybe I'll write more about her later so you'll have a better understanding of multitude of experiences that pre-date this one that make this particular event so hilarious. But back to the story. On her journey, she makes it to the cubical of a one Tricky, who in his infinite wisdom and unfathomable maturity has hung a drawing of a hand giving the shocker, with the caption, "It's Shocking" written above it. The artistry of drawing, produced by our offices very own da Vinci, J, is nothing short of exceptional. If I only had such skills. Noticing the picture, she turns to J and Tricky, who at the time were conferring about something other than work, and poses the following question, "What does that mean?" , pointing to J's drawing. J and Tricky turn slowly from there conversation, looks of shock and distress on their faces, as they realize the origin of the aforementioned question. Being the cunning linguist that J is, he composes himself and calmly explains that he saw someone do it on TV and thought it was cool so he decided to draw it and give it to Tricky. Now, it's at this exact time that I receive the follow instant message, "(deleted to protect the identity of those involved) IS ASKING WHAT SHOCKER MEANS" from my twin, whose cube is diagonal to mine and directly across from the scene of the crime. And of course, like a good little whack-a-mole I pop my head up to see what’s going on. By the time I get my head up marketing has already left the scene and is continuing on her rounds. Once done playing US postal service she scurries back upstairs and about 12 of us bust out laughing. There's just something about explaining the delicate sexual nature of symbol to a middle-aged weirdo that's right up my comedic alley.

Update: While writing this post, J decided it was only right to give marketing a proper explanation of the hand signal so he instant messages this link to her: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shocker_%28hand_gesture%29. I highly suggest that you check it out. You may learn something and most importantly it makes my story funnier.


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