I Blame Everyone Else

"Nick and the entire 'Hogan' Bollea family are saddened that criminal charges have been filed in regards to the tragic single car accident on August 26 2007. The family's primary focus and concern still remains for the continued recovery of Nick's longtime friend John Graziano. The Bolleas will also continue to stand by the Graziano family and help them in any way they can. The tragedy to both families is compounded by the fact that unfortunately John was not wearing his seatbelt. Thankfully, Nick was wearing his. Because of what happened to John, the entire Bollea family will make it a priority to increase public awareness about the importance of always wearing your seatbelt."
That's right, blame the brain-dead guy who is drooling all over himself for not buckling his seatbelt. I'm sure the prick driving the car had nothing to do with it flipping and hitting a tree, injuring the guy. To their own detriment, they continue:
"There has been much speculation as to the speed and wet road conditions surrounding this accident. Although all the evidence has not been evaluated, preliminary reports from the experts indicate that this was not, in fact, a high-speed accident. Because Nick is still a juvenile and has no prior criminal record, we are disappointed that he is being charged as an adult offender. However, we are confident that the evidence will demonstrate that this was an accident."
Well no shit it was an accident. I doubt any reasonable person believes that he meant to thrash his dad's supra and intentionally wrecked the fucking thing. What's hard to believe is the accident resulted from responsible, "normal", law-abiding driving. Last time I checked, my truck has never spontaneously flipped and wrapped itself around a tree because I was obeying the speed limit. Single car accidents happen because the driver fucked up, end of story. He's responsible, let him pay for it. Although, really, what's the point. Let's see: 1) He's white (check), 2) He's rich (check), and 3) he is or is somehow related to a celebrity (check). Yup, he's getting off. Famous people don't have to abide by the rules and sure as hell can't be held accountable by the law. This is America, God dammit!
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