Attack of the Tip Jar

Tips, at their most elementary, are meant to supplement the pay of workers who, for economic reasons I may never understand, make less than minimum wage. They can also be used to express pleasure or gratitude for a difficult job well done.
Despite the fact that everyone working at Subway looks like they just stepped off the boat, I find it hard to believe that they are not getting paid a suitable wage. A large company with a reputation to maintain, like Subway, couldn't afford to hire illegals and pay them pennies. The public backlash if they were ever found out would kill them. As a side note, should you ever tip an illegal? Seems to me you'd just be encouraging their bad behavior. Making a sandwich, especially an essentially meatless one consisting almost entirely of a roll, requires no skill. Christ, a one-eyed monkey with a hemorrhoid problem could that and probably more efficiently. I can't wait till the machines take everything over.
So, if you'd like to put out a penny tray or something like that, be my guest. But it's not my fault you work at a shitty job for minimum wage flipping rancid patties or toasting things. I don't want to support your twenty-two illegitimate children. Not my problem.
You want to make more money? Fine, get a higher paying job. Don't come begging me for an extra buck of my hard-earned - a phrase I should have put in quotations - cash. The price was clearly listed and I paid it begrudgingly plus tax. Don't try to guilt me into financing your pitiful little life by putting out a pathetically sad tip jar.
You make a mockery of people who actually deserve a tip and me sick. Go to hell and take your tip jar with you.
5:50 PM
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