Writing scary it's bad. Wait...



This site was the rambling missives of a complete and utter idiot. But no more, because this idiot is taking his personal blog in another direction. No more absurd rants, no retarded op ed pieces on startletards you and I shouldn't care about anyway, no more postings on random idiocy from the far reaches of the internet universe. A new year, a new start if you know what I mean. So without further ado, I give you said new direction.

From this time forward till I change my mind, this site will serve as a running journal while I'm training for the Fredrick and ultimately, God willing, the Boston Marathon. If you don't care about running or anything marathon training entails then I'm sorry but you probably won't give two shits about what I write here. I'd suggest not wasting your time on me and moving on to some other distant corner of the internet. If you need any suggestions, I've got plenty of them listed in the "links" section of this page. All are true masters of their craft and will assuredly provide you with the hours of enjoyment you so richly deserve.

For those of you still around and who care about running, marathoning or Ray, here's the deal. The Frederick Marathon goes off on May 4th. Check out their website if you'd like more information. And more accurately, I'm running the Maryland double, meaning I've also signed up for the Baltimore Marathon running fall of this year. My primary goal is to qualify for the 2009 Boston Marathon with my '08 Frederick time. But more than that, I want to run the marathon in under 3 hours. For those who don't know, the qualifying time for Boston is 3:10 for my age group (I'm 26).

Now that where I'm going has been taken care of, let me divulge where I've been. Frederick will not be first marathon, but it will be my second. Last fall, I ran the Marine Corp Marathon in Washington, D.C. It's one of the largest marathons in the nation, on close to the same level as Chicago, New York and Boston. It was an amazing experience, one which I was looking forward to chronicling on these pages and have started, see Marathoning: Part 1. Unfortunately, I haven't found the time to finish, but don't worry, I will. In fact, I'll more than likely separate the complete story out from these pages and give them their own section simply to not interrupt the flow and format of the site. In the Marine Corp, I placed in the top 9 percent of all finishers with a time of 3:37. A good base but I have a lot of work to do. I'll explain and expound on the aforementioned work as we go along.

If you're still with me, I hope you find this website interesting, possibly informative and most of all well written entertaining. Wish me luck and stick with me, we've got a long road ahead.


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