Writing scary it's bad. Wait...


Congrats to me

As you can see, the nifty little hit counter I installed crossed the century mark today. I am blazing up web with all this traffic. I hope the blogger.com servers can handle it. I'm told that it now takes two normal mice on a treadmill to produce enough power to display the blog. That's a big step up from the one mouse with three legs and down syndrom that was assigned to my account. Nonetheless, it is somewhat of an empty victory because a half to three quarters of those hits are my own page loads I accrued checking to see if one of my three readers left a comment or I was editting past posts with fuckups in them and wanted to make sure the correction looked right. I could change the setting so it only displays one hit for each person that logs onto my page per day but I feel like that would be very depressing. I'll keep it the way things are for now to placate my ego. Before I forget, let me throw a big thanks out there to Kid, Goose and Kristen for commenting. Currently, Kristen is in the lead with two comments but there's plenty of time.

You may have also noticed that I have a real links list now thanks to Blogrolling.com. I'm a fucking HTML wizard over here, motherfucker. You better watch out or I'll cast magic missile on your ass. Weird Al ain't got shit on me. If you have no idea what I just said, neither do I. Watching this video might help, video. I look at the code behind my template and all I can say is, "What the fuck?" Maybe I'll actually look into the whole HTML thing at some point but I hated computer programming in college and this looks way to much like the stuff I did there.


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