Writing scary it's bad. Wait...


Cheese Blogger in Paradise

So day number two at work with nothing to do. I surfed the internet for at least 7 hours yesterday. I have the bruise on the palm of my hand as proof. Unfortunately, I don’t think that bruise is going to heal any time soon as I’ll be doing the same thing today.

What did people do when they were bored at work before the internet? I’ve got to think that office sex and various other infidelities ran rampant. I mean, really, what else was there. Maybe that’s how stick finger drawings were invented. No, the history channel told me they were around in caveman times. Although, cavemen didn’t have the internet either but I was thinking more in modern terms and less in terms of killing a t-rex to save the tribe from mutilation and starvation. They had computers before the internet, i.e. the greatest computer of all time, the Apple IIe. So did people take their copy of “Wizardry” into work with them for the down times? Did windows always come with solitaire? The Apple didn’t even have a hard drive. We always had to put our saved games on a disk. Wait, I’ve got it; these were the times when people actually read books. I always forget that the internet replaced books so that has to be the logical explanation. And yes, I know what your thinking, reading actual books, paper or hard-back in this day and age does make you a dork. The internet definitely has replaced books and, for that matter, all other reading materials in my life. The Sun gets delivered to my house every morning, I walk outside, pick it up, and promptly through it in the trash. I pay for that stupid paper and I don’t even read it. I will go to The Sun’s website and read articles though. Why I pay for a paper I don’t read is a story for another time. I can’t remember the last time I went to the library when I wasn’t working on a research paper.

In order to make yesterday not a complete waste of time, I decide delve into the world of blog to better understand the community with whom I had thrown my hat. Unfortunately, what I didn’t know was that the world of blog is far vaster than I had previously imagined. Honestly, there is a blog for everything. Anything that you can think up, someone probably has a blog on it already. There are writers out there who write about interesting things well, there are people who write about absolutely nothing and then there's the plain really weird stuff. For example, there’s a blog that posts homemade postcard expressing people's secrets anonymously . Half of the postcards people made were about suicide, wft? There are at least 10,000 entertainment and news blogs, 1,000 digests of various sorts, and a million where people just post pictures of themselve or their friends (*cough*...myspace...*cough).

I just really didn’t think this was such a big thing. Apparently, I was wrong, way wrong. What is a comment orgy, anyway? Just seemed like a way to get a lot of comments on your site to me, but what do I know. I am the new guy with a total of 2 comments. I could hold a comment orgy on this site but I don’t think me writing back and forth to myself would be that much fun. Thousands and thousands of people blogging and commenting and interconnecting. Like I said, some things about it remind me of myspace.com and that scares the fuck out of me. Really, though, it’s all pretty amazing. Which reminds me I still need to write about my fear of myspace, which I’ve learned, by way of a couple blogs, I’m not alone in, but I’ll put that off for another time as well. We all know the internet is huge, but sometimes you can really see how far reaching and society changing it really is. Millions of people have internet personas reflective who they are or who they want to be or who they think other people want them to be. Complete anonymity with a personality. It’s a truly ambiguous thing.


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