Writing scary it's bad. Wait...


Reflections Off a Computer Screen

When I started this blog, I had no idea what I was doing. No idea why I did it. No idea what to write about. I think I just wanted to belong. I wanted to contribute to something that I had gleaned hours upon hours of joy and entertainment from. I wanted to give back for the greater good. To put myself out there and see what kind of responses I got to my constant bitching and shouting.

Well, I'm happy to say that after a year at it, I still have no idea what I'm doing, no idea why I'm doing it and no clue what to write about. For the most part, the responses I got were my own echoes, pinging off the walls of cyberspace and flying back in my face. It's really not that bad if you pretend the echoes are the voices of other people who sound exactly like you. They don't bring up many new topics or spawn much original conversation but it's better than being alone.

The blog is one year old. It's origin, an outdated computer in a small home office somewhere outside of Baltimore. A gray motionless man sat bleary-eyed, a hollow gazed fixed to the glow of a computer screen. The sanguine moon perched itself high in the clear night sky. Reaching for the keyboard, he typed one letter, then paused. He paused then typed another. Another minute and another keystroke. The letters slowly became a word. Soon there were many words. The words of man with the mental capacity of a turkey vulture. Words began to gel into incomplete sentences and fractured thoughts. A manic post conceived in no less than two days. That was how it all began.

Despite what you might think, there were no fireworks that day, nor are there any today for that matter other than the frantic clack of that same keyboard and my flowery prose. And I know it doesn't seem like it from the quality, but every post takes me the better part of two days to brainstorm, rough draft, edit, revise, re-edit, revise, edit my first edits, revise the revisions, spoof, proof, cut, rearrange, re-revise the arrangement and then finally publish. I'm trying to put out a good finished product. It's just not working.

As far as the fruits of my labor reaped in the form of success, I'd say I've done just splendidly. The estimated net worth of the blog is set at the mind bogglingly sum of $1.50. That's the amount of money I would have made last year if I had embedded advertisements. I'm glad I choose not to sell out to the man. He can keep his buck and half. Not that I don't need it but I would never encourage the proliferation of ads across our great internet. We have to try to keep this place clean, my friends. How else will the endangered internet worm survive?

If you'll now direct your gaze to the stat counter, you'll see that it's hovering around 1,344 or so. Meaning, in seven and a half year I'll hit the 10k mark. So mark your calenders for early fall 2014, cause baby we're going to party like we'll never hit 100k. Because we won't. To truly drive home the depression, if you subtract all the hits incurred by me coming here to check on the site or write new posts, you would cut my total in half. Then we'd have to wait till 2022 to party. I'm assuming we'll just do both since everyone likes a reason to party.

So happy birthday blog! We haven't come along way yet, baby. But maybe someday we will.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your blog was a floor, I might pee on it.

9:17 AM


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