February 1st
Scheduled Miles: 6
Miles Ran: 6
Total Time: Can't remember, I ran a 7:15 minute a mile pace if you want to back it out
Current Weight: 172
Current Condition: Jovial
It's the first of the month and I really have nothing to write about. I didn't think up any good topics last night - in fact I couldn't think of much while running other than the finish - and I don't feel like discussing some the topics I've put on the back-burner such as health, body changes, ect. So, instead I'll just say that I'm happy to have a day off. A day where I can eat and drink, preferably alcoholic drinks, as I please. A day that I don't have to worry about running for an hour in the dark when I get home. A day I can use to relax.
I would say I've earned the day, but unfortunately I missed another day this week. Good Christ in heaven, what does it take to get a full week in? It's getting fucking ridiculous. And it's not like I'm simply shirking responsibility here. Every time I've missed a run it has been for a legitimate reason. Apparently, though it doesn't seem that way most of the time, I must have too much of a life for this whole running thing. Who would have thought?
By and by, I'll try again next week. I doubt it's going to happen considering I already know I can't run on Thursday. Oh well. Hopefully the work I'm getting in will be enough. Once the days get longer, things should be easier. Next week will mark a month into training. I'll have to do some kind of self-evaluation, taking stock of how far I've come and hypothesizing on where I need to go.
Have a good Friday internet land, I'll raise a glass to you at happy hour.
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