January 16th
Scheduled Miles: 8
Miles Ran: 8.5
Total Time: 0:57:15
Current Weight: 174.5
Current Condition: Good
Another successful day logged. I kept my pace under the 7 minute a mile mark without much of a problem. It's amazing how one fast paced run will completely change your perspective on speed. That's why speed training is so important. You can't run fast for a long time if you're not used to running fast for shorter distances. I should come out of next week feeling like a 7 minute mile is a jog. At least that's what I'm hoping because weeks 4 through 6 may be the hardest of the lot. But lets not get too far ahead of ourselves.
I don't want to jinx myself, but I've been quite please with how my body has been responding to the hard work. I've cut a good bit of weight already, though I will probably plateau this week. Week one drops all the water weight, week two the body fights back holding on to every last ounce of fat it can but after that the body tends to give up its cellulite treasure and the pounds start shedding again. I'm looking forward to that point because it means I'm one step closer to increasing my daily calorie count translated Ray gets to eat again. Most importantly, I haven't caught a whiff of the injury bug. Trust me, he stinks. I haven't really even been that sore. Let's hope things keep up.
I'll have to take a post soon and explain my dietary habits and plans for each phase of my journey. I'll make a point to get to that soon, though I don't know how entertaining it'll be. Of course, how entertaining is any of this?
Anyway, I've got another six miler lined up for tomorrow, probably at today's pace. Shouldn't be much of a problem. Also on the horizon, my GPS watch will hopefully be arriving Friday and I'm heading to NYC for a couple of days next week to attend a conference for work. Luckily, it won't be much work, I don't have to learn anything or even pay attention, I get to go to a Rangers hockey game and, best of all, it's on someone else's dime. And don't worry, I'll only miss Tuesday's run which I'll substitute with an out of schedule but necessary Monday run. It would be cool to run through NYC but I suspect I'll have better things to do, like getting shit faced with people I don't know.
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