Writing scary it's bad. Wait...


Important Info

In case you hadn't noticed, Japan and China have the two most advanced societies in the world. Hell, why limit it, the entire continent of Asia, really. I mean they are way ahead of their time or at least ahead of us by a long shot. Honestly, I'm not sure that some American will be able to comprehend what I'm about to share with you, but in the interest of advancing the US population to at least a close second, I'll put it out there. Disclaimer: Remember, they have technology far surpassing our own. Do to this, any or all of the facts displayed in the following articles may seem strange or impossible. Accepting the reality of the situation is the first step in advancing our society to their higher plane.

Exhibit A:

Kancho is a game or trick often played in Japan by young school-aged children; it is performed by clasping the hands together so the index fingers are pointing out and attempting to insert them into someone's anal region when the victim is not looking. It is similar in spirit to the wedgie or a goosing in North America.

As a visual aid for those who are having trouble with the technical aspects of this new discovery I've included at link to a picture: Kancho

Exhibit B:

Developed by the Korean company "Taff System" for the Korean and Japanese market (but un-released in Japan), Boong-Ga Boong-Ga (also known as Spank 'em ) is the first arcade game that simulates anal probing. You select from eight characters like "Mother-in-Law," "Con artist," and "Child Molester" and then you ram a giant plastic finger into a jeans-covered bottom which protrudes out from the arcade unit next to the words "HAVE A FUN!! ENJOY." As you poke, spank, and probe, the game plays an animation of your victim wailing in pain, and then the game rates your sexual virility based on the impact of your finger against its virtual colon.

Personally, I don't see how we'll ever catch up to them and it seems we've already given up by putting Bush in office. I urge you, press on, because one day soon we will have a democratic butt loving leader to take our society to the promised land.


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