I’m sure this is nothing new or profound, but I feel that it must be said. Man was not meant to live this way. As human beings we weren’t meant to be caged indoors, slaving under the unyielding faux-green burn of florescent light. Typing away at keyboards, which cripple our hands from carpel tunnel, and performing unchallenging and useless tasks for unappreciative people who are just as bored with life as you. This is not what God intended. We were meant to run free, to enjoy life, do drugs and live long and prosper. Hell, if you are destine to run through corn fields backwards or eat goat cheese off a shaved lama, who am I to judge. Be free my friend and do as you like. It’s your prerogative.
I truly believe that we have stifled generations of great minds by forcing them into jobs they don’t like. Live the American dream Billy; get a job, by a house, live a life of simplicity and leave history unblemished by your mark. Pay your taxes and keep the wheels of naivety and ignorance turning.Who know's what we could be as a society if we gave the right people a chance.
Whoa there tender-tits! Let me hold up a second here and take a step back before I get too far. Do I think everyone, if given the chance, will make correct choose and thereby better their lives and the lives of the people around them? Hell no. People have shit for brains and would and do mess it up all the time. However, that does not diminish the fact that the crap we’ve been fed since birth amounts to a pile of shit. Listen, I’m not putting down anyone who follows the road of job, house, and kid. Take a look to your right because I’m walking right next to you. It’s not the result that bothers me it’s the process by which we got there that’s disturbing. When you’re a little kid, everyone tells you that you can be anything you want to be. But as you get older that sentiment fades until you’ve taken so many test and been poked and prodded so many time that the only thing people tell you is exactly what they think you should be. They’ve traded optimism for a box and they’re forcing you to get in.
Well, I meant to complain about working but ended up just ranting about life. I guess, in a sad way, it’s appropriate because for many, myself included, our jobs become our life, at least partially. What I can say is this: I’d like to think that if I didn’t have to waste 8, 9, 10 hours a day at work, I’d use my time semi-wisely (everyone needs time to just fuck around). It would be amazing to cultivate my hobbies all day but until the hobbies start bringing in the Benjamins, it looks like it’s back the grind.
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