Writing scary it's bad. Wait...


Ok, its been a while, I know. Trust me, I've wanted to write but work has been crazy and I told myself that I didn't want to write on the weekend but here I am, beer in hand after playing pong and drinking southern comfort on the rocks, typing at the computer incoherently. I'm also breaking my don't write drunk rule with this one, but what are rules if not to be broken. Anyhow, I know what the subject of this post was supposed to be but in case I don't get to it I don't want to give it away. Distraction is a seriously powerful thing. He'll it's what gets half of us through our lives, myself included. And by far, the best distraction on TV has to be the show cheaters on fox or upn on something.

If you have not seen this show, I pity you. How this is not on prime time network television I have no idea. It has everything, action(people beating each other up), drama, eveything. With all the shit they're putting out today its amazing to me that this show isn't rated no. 1. Tonight was a repeat I'm sure. It include a mexican/spanish couple who, when they fought, spoke only spanish and I couldn't understand a word they were saying. However, it didn't matter because the conecpt of the show was simple and the argument ended in some form of english so even in a drunk fuck like myself could get the jist of the conversations. Damn it! I've lost the will to type. Posting and heading to bed. See I told you I wouldn't get to what I wanted to talk about. Perhaps latter. Either way, watch the world cup cause' its sweet. out.


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