Writing scary it's bad. Wait...



After reading my previous post I have decided to leave it be as a homage late night drunk writing at its best. The small piece of “writing” I was able to squeak out before passing out was fun and therefore grammar, spelling and the like will be thrown out the window for that one. Hell, I don't think I even gave it a title. I'm such an asshat.

On my way to work this morning I was listening to talk radio and the topic of neighbors growing marijuana in their yards or in houses. As chance would have it, I myself hold this subject in high regard, as it is the centerpiece of one of the more interesting stories from my childhood. Too few people chronicle their adventures as a youth, which I think is a travesty. By the time we hit adulthood, most of our lives are repetitive and fairly boring. Everything fun or interesting we experience centers primarily around a bar scene or drinking or something of that nature and even those adventures can be few and far between. When you’re a kid, everyday something interesting could happen to you, and not just things that would have been interesting in your mind as a child but truly good stories that shouldn’t be forgotten but often are. A goal I set for myself when starting this blog was to put in writing what I remembered of the good, bad and funny experiences that I had as child and in that way hold onto the memories a little longer The story I’m thinking of seems like a good enough place to start so let’s dive in.


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