Writing scary it's bad. Wait...


Cereal Killer

I'm not a doctor. I can't perscribe myself drugs I don't need. Why the fuck are there commerials on TV for perscription drugs?

I'll preface with this: There are some things that should be self diagnosed. Most of these things involve penis. I'm fine with the self diagnoses of ED. Viagra, Enzyte, Cialis you're in the clear. Self diagnosis on this type of thing is the only way to go. The doctor can't take a small hammer and strike your dick in the center of the shaft and expect it to get hard like some reaction test with your knee. You're only going to find this one out when you're standing in front of an attractive naked woman and you can't get it up or your erection is the size of an inch worm. I guess they could do a test at the doctor's office if they could get a good looking woman to be naked all day. However, the one draw back would be that myself and a hundred thousand other men would make oppointments every day.

My problem is with the Lunesta's and Lipitor's of the world. I'm sure you're wonderful drugs that save peoples live and all, but do we really need to see a commerical about you? I can't get you without a doctor's perscription and if I needed you, don't you think the doctor would have prescribed you? Seriously, I understand that WebMD exists but do I have to self diagnose everything? Christ, what do I have a general practitioner and insurance for? I obviously need a pre-radiation immunity booster and somethign to lower my bad cholesterol and increase the good, though I have no idea what my cholesterol count actually is. If doctors didn't make bank, they'd be asking us to take our own blood samples and perform our own open heart surgeries.

Nothing against the drugs themselves, but their commericials are killing me softly.


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