Writing scary it's bad. Wait...



So, because I'm stupid and bored with tv (just haven't been able to get into the new fall shows) I signed up to write a novel for National Novel Writing Month. NNWM is a unique and thought provoking idea and has the shared experience thing that I like. Basically, I have to write a 50,00 word novel from Nov. 1st to Nov. 30th and submit it to be word-counted before midnight on the 30th. I'm thinking of this as a way to practice and improve my writing. I'm sure others, mainly those who are already good writers, will have other reasons for doing it.

I'm excited to write 1666 words a day, on average. I think the longest blog I have on this site is 3 MSword pages long and a 2 and a half page blog in word is about 1,800 words, so I think the goal might be doable.

I've added a sweet little tracker to the sidebar so you can keep track of my progress, although I might take it down if I fall an embarassingly large amount behind. If I come up with anything good, which is doubtful, I'll post the excerpt here and on the NNWM website.

The Tenative title is: Barfly Must Die (I checked Amazon.com and no one has a published book with this title so I'm good to go. It's so tough to be original.)

Kristen, I know your busy right now, but you should think about doing this. You'd be good at it.
Kid, you and Goose too. Then we could word fight. Doesn't that sound like fun?!

Wish me luck.


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