Writing scary it's bad. Wait...



Things are going well with the writing project. Better than I expected at least. Well, except for last night because I got too drunk to write properly. Message boarding on nano was hilarious, though. A little alcohol, good for the creativity. Too much alcohol, the brain turns to mush and the fingers loss all dexterity.

I can't write anything today because I have soccer after work and then I'm going to out to celebrate, hopefully, a friend passing the bar exam. I'm going to have to do some serious writing over the weekend to make up for it. I want to be at 12k by sunday night, which will double my total. It's weird to think that I get pissed because I can't write one day. It's amazing how important this has gotten to me after only three days. If I'm lucky, nano will keep its strangle hold on my priorities and I'll actually be able finish something for once.

Alright friends, I need some help with my book and only you can provide it. It will require commenting though, unless you see me and then you can just tell me, so I'm doubting this is going to work:

If you were a bar tender and I walked into your bar, what would be your first impression of me?

If I get any responses I'll tell you why I ask. Apologies to anyone who reads this who's never met me. I'll come up with a question for you later.

Have a good weekend everyone.


Blogger poopsmith said...

Determined. Unless this is the 3rd or 4th bar you are visiting that evening. Then I would say Wasted. Yup, wasted sums it up.

No need to thank me. I already know my input will help you greatly.

11:36 AM


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