Writing scary it's bad. Wait...


An Injustice Righted

I feel I’ve been remiss in my writing of late. Not because of the content or subject of my writing but because I have not written about a topic, which deserved my immediate yet unreciprocated attention. Therefore, allow me to apologize for the gaff committed and attempt to right the wrong by giving you your due time. Although it may be too late, I pray that one day in your heart you will find a way to forgive me.

Liquid confidence is what some have called you and truly you are. I can’t thank you enough for how many times I’ve made an ass out of myself because of your persistent encouragement. I truly do mean thank you. I would surely have missed a bevy of experiences without your gentle nudge. The streaking, late night drum circles, random fires, bar fights, hookups it was all made possible because of you. In fact, looking back on my life, I’m not sure how I survived before I met you. We’ll chalk it up to ignorance and thank God it can never happen again.

You were the best wingman ever; smoothly making every interaction with the fairer sexy fluid and less complicated. Constantly at my side, you’d whisper encouraging words in my ear, telling me just the right thing to say, with no selfish desires for yourself. Your selfless actions and consummate professionalism helped me more than I may ever know. You had a job to do and you’d stay at your task relentlessly. A killer with the ladies and every guys best friend, you true are a jack of all trades.

You are the light at the end of the tunnel after a hard day of slave labor. You are a goal that can always be reached, yet the sense of accomplishment is never diminished. You have no judgment, no prejudice, no high morals or snobbishness. You are there for every man yet you feel so personal to each of us. An unwavering friend whose ability to listen, confidential, to our stories and heartbreaks is only overmatched by the ability to then make us feel better.

I’m sorry that I wrote about water first and ignored you. It was a lapse in judgment. A moment of weakness where I gave in to a whim and temptation instead of turning on my heart light and finding what I really care about. You are my Michelangelo Buonarroti, my Mozart, my Dan Brown and my Leonard Maltin. Remember, you are made of water, as am I, but we have something more. We have other ingredients that make us better. Water is one dimensional, but you my friend have depth, personality and charm. Let me now say your name and proclaim your greatness to the word: Beer!


My Misspent Youth or The Happy Trees

It was early spring; I was 13 at the time and in middle school. Our neighbors on one side of my parent’s house had moved in a year or two before and had stayed mostly to themselves. They were what you might term “interesting people” if you were talking amongst friends about them and trying to be nice. You also might call them “piece of shit white trash” if you didn’t really give a fuck. I am of the latter persuasion therefore I will name them dub T#1 and dub T#2. For clarity, I’ll say that dub T#1 is the husband/boyfriend/gentlemen lover and dub T#2 is the wife/ogre/thing. To be honest I have no idea what the status of there relationship was and I can’t remember their names if I ever knew them in the first place. I’ll probably just refer to #1 and #2 as “them” through out the rest of the story anyway, so naming them was probably an effort in futility. All I knew was that they had no kids and that’s all I cared about. Some people should be sterilized, and these two definitely qualified. Just the visual writing this story conjures of her makes me cringe, much less the image of someone actually humping that beast. Feel free to shiver now if you must. Their house was an ugly, off-color rancher with a sagging roof sitting at the entrance of my court.

That court’s ability to attract white trash is legendary. Most people feel at least a twinge of sadness when their parents sell the childhood home they grew up in or associate growing up in. Me, on the other hand, I was happy as hell that I would never have to go back to that house, even to visit. I’m in the neighborhood sometimes and I won’t even drive into the court. I’ll elaborate on other stories from the court later in an ongoing series called “Court Chronicles”.

It was that time of spring where everyone was out planting and gardening and seeding. The first really warm weekend of the year. Of course we didn’t see our neighbors because catching a glimpse of either of them, not that you wanted to, was like trying to catch the wind. A couple of days after that weekend I was in the backyard either throwing the lacrosse ball against the shed or shooting my bb gun or whatever, what I was doing is inconsequential, and I noticed a couple of plants about the size and shape of a small cherry tomato plant growing under the back bedroom window right next to their house. I knew what cherry tomato plants looked like because my mom would grow them on the back deck in big red pots. I decided not to investigate. I generally tried to not to go into their yard to avoid the chance of any contact with them.

Ryan and I once killed a rabbit in the woods behind my house. I ended up skinning and gutting the thing in our backyard to be put in the freezer for later consumption. As an aside, I don’t think that we ever did eat that rabbit and it may still be sitting in the freezer. Apparently, a hideous watchful eye had been presiding unbeknownst over my activities in the backyard and later approached my mother about the killing of her pet rabbit. That’s right; the “women” thought that she had a wild rabbit as a pet. Dub T#2 only had 20 cats living in the basement of the house, why not throw in a pet rabbit? Can you say witch? Either way, mom knew that I had killed and gutted a rabbit, was fine with it, and summarily brushed the comments aside. She later found me and told of the incident and we both laughed at the expense of that crazy bitch.

A few weeks go by and I’m in the backyard again and I notice the plants that once looked like small cherry tomato plant are now bigger and much leafier. I decided this was odd and convince myself that further investigation was necessary despite the consequences. Approaching the plants, which were about head high at the time, I began examining a multi-fingered veiny leaf attached to a thin branch protruding from an only slightly thicker green trunk. A wave of realization passed over me as I first came to grips with the ramification of what I had found. I reached out and touched a leaf. Amazing.

You may be thinking, “How does this kid in a podunk town know what a marijuana plant actually looks like?” First, let me retort with this; it was the early 90’s, if you didn’t know what a pot leaf looked like, your parents probably didn’t own a TV. Just another reason to thank TV for everything useful I’ve ever learned. Second, although the county that I lived in was cow-town county, Eldersburg was your typical all American community; houses on top of houses for as far as you could see, schools, malls, strip malls and a movie theater. And, as everyone knows, where there’s a typical American community, there are drugs. I had friends in middle school that did drugs. Drugs were around and they were cool. Hell, for that matter they still are cool. That’s staying power right there my friends. Third, if drug traffic had a hierarchy, Carroll County would have been queen to Baltimore City’s king. More heroin was run through that county then possibly anywhere else in Maryland. Podunk counties are great for running drugs.

The plants growing in the neighbor’s backyard were to be harvested, processed and sold in Baltimore City but I didn’t know that at the time. I needed confirmation of the discovery I had made. So, like any good teenage kid, went and got my friend Ryan and showed him the stash. He went to public school, so he would be able to identify any drug within a 50 ft radius by scent alone. I let him look at it anyway, just to be sure. He gave the confirmation I was looking for and now it was just a decision on what to do with my new knowledge. Your going to want to give me a swift kick to the crouch for what I did next, and trust me, I want to give my form self a stern punch to the crouchal region as well. I took a couple leaves and went and showed my mother. I had no idea of the gold mine on which I had stumbled. The synapses in brain just didn’t fire the way they should have back then. I still had a sense of morality and a delusional thought that drugs were bad. In my own defense, as it turns out, it wouldn’t have matter whether I showed those leaves to my mom or not but I’ll explain that in a bit. My mom’s reaction actually was a little unexpected, she was surprised and feinted ignorance on what a pot leaf looked like. Mom, being a child of the 60’s knew exactly what a pot leaf looked like, but not wanting to blow the “I’ve never done drugs” ruse had to play the fool. The other astonishing thing about my mom’s reaction was that she did nothing with the knowledge I had presented. I figured that she would have narced on the neighbors in record time but that was not the case and the pot continued to grow. And grow the pot did. Over the next couple of months, the plants had reached the roof of the house and pressed on. This was precisely the reason why it didn’t matter whether I had told. You could see the plants from the road in front of the house. Maybe these weren’t the brightest people after all. Finally, and I can’t vouch for the timing of this, my mom called the cops on them. I don’t know if it was the sight of pot trees every time she pulled into the driveway from work or what prompted her to finally pull the trigger. The police came with saws and cut down the pot and hauled it off along with our neighbors and that was the end of that. Ugly neighbors to jail, suburban life back to normal and my encounter with 20 ft high pot trees never to happen again. The moral of the story is, grab a little reefer for yourself before the neighbors get turned in by your mom and cops haul off the crop. Learn from my mistakes people.


After reading my previous post I have decided to leave it be as a homage late night drunk writing at its best. The small piece of “writing” I was able to squeak out before passing out was fun and therefore grammar, spelling and the like will be thrown out the window for that one. Hell, I don't think I even gave it a title. I'm such an asshat.

On my way to work this morning I was listening to talk radio and the topic of neighbors growing marijuana in their yards or in houses. As chance would have it, I myself hold this subject in high regard, as it is the centerpiece of one of the more interesting stories from my childhood. Too few people chronicle their adventures as a youth, which I think is a travesty. By the time we hit adulthood, most of our lives are repetitive and fairly boring. Everything fun or interesting we experience centers primarily around a bar scene or drinking or something of that nature and even those adventures can be few and far between. When you’re a kid, everyday something interesting could happen to you, and not just things that would have been interesting in your mind as a child but truly good stories that shouldn’t be forgotten but often are. A goal I set for myself when starting this blog was to put in writing what I remembered of the good, bad and funny experiences that I had as child and in that way hold onto the memories a little longer The story I’m thinking of seems like a good enough place to start so let’s dive in.


Ok, its been a while, I know. Trust me, I've wanted to write but work has been crazy and I told myself that I didn't want to write on the weekend but here I am, beer in hand after playing pong and drinking southern comfort on the rocks, typing at the computer incoherently. I'm also breaking my don't write drunk rule with this one, but what are rules if not to be broken. Anyhow, I know what the subject of this post was supposed to be but in case I don't get to it I don't want to give it away. Distraction is a seriously powerful thing. He'll it's what gets half of us through our lives, myself included. And by far, the best distraction on TV has to be the show cheaters on fox or upn on something.

If you have not seen this show, I pity you. How this is not on prime time network television I have no idea. It has everything, action(people beating each other up), drama, eveything. With all the shit they're putting out today its amazing to me that this show isn't rated no. 1. Tonight was a repeat I'm sure. It include a mexican/spanish couple who, when they fought, spoke only spanish and I couldn't understand a word they were saying. However, it didn't matter because the conecpt of the show was simple and the argument ended in some form of english so even in a drunk fuck like myself could get the jist of the conversations. Damn it! I've lost the will to type. Posting and heading to bed. See I told you I wouldn't get to what I wanted to talk about. Perhaps latter. Either way, watch the world cup cause' its sweet. out.